Update 0.040

  1. Starter Town Armor Shop, Church, Diner, & Player home have all been renamed.
  2. Two Diner Characters updated to fit the role of Co-Owners of Starter Town Bar.
  3. Minor starter town NPC's renamed and some dialogue added/removed/updated.
  4. Starter Town Exit gate has been moved forward and now actually blocks the player in, instead of breaking and letting the player slide through the side of it to access the guards.
  5. Starter town caravan guards have been moved onto the castle walls away from the players reach so the fast travel for the rest of the world can be properly implemented and updated accordingly to the new map.
  6. Fixed Fast Travel Option on Starter Gate, removing some options and updating others.
  7. Removed "dashing" effect from Boozer's tent that caused the player to have super speed while indoors.
  8. Updated Boozer's Character Image.
  9. Fixed/Updated Boozer's Fast Travel Sign, removing ability to travel to the empire for it was a broken route. Fixed the route back to the starter town.
  10. Finally Updated Credit's with new name changes & Deleted/Removed/Turned Off a few problem causing plug-ins. (Still many more to sift through to actually fix combat and get it up and running again so you can battle within a little while of playing instead of just reading a lot of dialogue.)

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to announce I will be taking a break from updating for awhile. I have had some life issues that need to be addressed over everything so for the meantime I will put this in cancel state as I am unsure when I will comeback to the project. It is sad to see for me but I will hopefully comeback one day and get a more fully developed game out. I am not gonna list off what I have updated in this most recent update as it was not a lot just some updates to the wizard college and some dev note changes for the starter town. I will update with what I have done if and when I come back from my break. Remember I do have another short game that is available to play just check out my page!

So, goodbye for now everyone and I hope to see you soon!
-Best Wishes, Sensei Wulf.


NYA-RPG [Windows] 164 MB
39 days ago

Get The Fallen Empires

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